Battlefield 1 Origin CD Key
Present Price
PLN 84.00PLN 252.08
Earn Up to PLN 6.72
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Battlefield 1 offers players four distinct core classes to choose from, each serving a specific purpose, each indispensable in the struggle for ultimate victory. For players eager to jump into the fray, there is the Assault class, masters of explosives and close combat. They carry the best loadout if you need to blow up a tank or skewer your enemy on a bayonette in a heroic charge towards victory.
In addition to the core ones, BF1 offers two special class groups: vehicle classes and Elites. You become a vehicle class, a Tanker or a Pilot, by entering a relevant machine, which in turn becomes your primary weapon. With the revamped maneuverability and handling, BF1's vehicles make becoming an ace of air combat or the best tank operator on the map even more enjoyable. If you fancy yourself a cavalier, you can mount a horse and ride in circles around slower vehicles.Elite classes, on the other hand, are found on the maps as pick-ups and transform you into a one-person army.
Return to the Battlefield:
The core series returns for the first time since 2013, throwing players into historic conflict with the experience of seasoned developers.
Historic battles:
Battlefield 1 provides the player with an opportunity to join six countries split between two sides in their struggle for victory in the theatres of the First World War.
Diverse Single-Player campaign:
Players, who want to enjoy a respite from the hectic Multiplayer battles will find a Singleplayer campaign with missions shifting focus from place to place and from hero to hero to show as much of the Great War as possible.
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