Battlefield 1 Revolution Origin Key Global
Present Price
PLN 108.71PLN 208.54
Earn Up to PLN 8.70
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Battlefield 1 Revolution - War is the most brutal thing created by mankind. Battlefield 1 Revolution tells a story about a topic, which is rarely presented in games. The First World War, conflict which in opinion of many was far more brutal and tragic than the Second World War. You will be able to use first generation tanks, fly triplanes or even fight on horse.
On the other hand you will also be forced to stand against real horrors of this conflict. Trenches full of mud and dead bodies, deadly chemical weapons and the worst of all, machineguns. These modern weapons are able to turn a battalion of soldiers into shreds within minutes. Are you ready to face such horrors of war?
whokeys.com is a reliable and competitive online retail store that provides a wide variety of popular game products on all platforms, all kinds of gift cards and other software products. Purchase our products that we got from formal sources. Furthermore, whokeys will keep updating our stock with everything you need.
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