Table Top Racing World Tour Steam Key Global
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PLN 7.38PLN 20.82
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It's Steam Global Key and In Stock now, welcome to order in whokeys!
Get behind the wheel of 12 ultra-cool, fully tune-able miniaturized racing cars and take on 20 race tracks and some devious opponents through a comprehensive 'Championship Mode' and a multitude of 'Special Events'. Get online for an 8 player multi-player battle and become the ultimate Table Top racer! Crush your enemies using cunning 'Power-ups' and unique 'Wheel Weapons' and blast your way to victory! Miniaturized, combat racing has never looked so good or been so much fun.
- 8 Player PvP multiplayer combat racing
- 6 Unique gameplay modes spread throughout the Championships
- 90+ Unique race events to challenge your skills
- 20 Table Top race tracks set around 5 themed locations (4 routes per location)
- 12 Super-cool micro cars - Inspired by some of the world's most iconic cars
- 8 Cunning, strategic, "Power-Up Weapons"
- 6 Super-powerful "Weapon Wheels"
- 20+ Track exclusive soundtrack by Breakbeat producer Wes Smith of Juice Recordings, San Diego
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