Watch Dogs Legion Standard Edition Uplay CD Key EU
Present Price
PLN 200.20PLN 250.26
Earn Up to PLN 16.02
- Tagi RPG
- Zbiory
W magazynie
Note:This product works on PC and EU ONLY!!
Watch Dogs Legion is an action–adventure video game that is the third installment in the Watch Dogs series.
- Set in a fictionalized London which had become a surveillance state. All of its citizens are being monitored by the private security agency called Albion who also acts as the city’s law enforcement.
- Characters can be recruited depending on the mission as well as their thoughts about DedSec. When a character is recruited he or she will be assigned a class which could either be under combat, stealth or hacking.
- Each class will have its own ability upgrades and tools and level-ups. Also, every character will also have their own personal lives when not on missions.
- Recruit as many characters but note that some of them can be permanently lost during game as they could possibly die or get injured.
- Players are able to play alone or team up in the cooperative gameplay with up to four players.
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